



Lighting Design by Randy Glickman
all images: copyright 2006
Romeos & Juliets
Choreographer: Jean Isaacs
Producer: University of California, San Diego
Scenic: Jerry Sonnenberg
Costume: Brandin Baron
Photo: J. Sonnenberg
In the Middle of the Eye
Choreographer: Kim Epifano
Producer: University of California, San Diego
Costume: Christal Weatherly
Photo: J. Sonnenberg
Blue Streak
Choreographer: John Malashock

Photograph Copyright: Philip Channing 1998
(805) 963-2127
Producer: University of California, San Diego
Choreographer: John Malashock
Costume: Kathryn Gould
Photo: P. Channing
The Word
Choreogprapher: Tony Caligagan

Photograph Copyright: Philip Channing 1998
(805) 963-2127
Producer: University of California, San Diego
Costumes: Kathryn Gould
Photo: p. Channing